Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Lifestyle Changes

Hello blogosphere!

Well, as I might have mentioned, I have made a new start with P90X, and have decided to operate my spiritual life and personal development/business life with the same intensity that I bring to my workouts.  90 days to excellent in all three areas - very much looking forward to what will happen.

The thing I have to remember is that even though I set goals and look forward to them, I still have to live in the present moment.  In visible reality, there is only today, so I have to take consistent, steady action today, and do all that I can to make today excellent.  If I keep that in the forefront of my mind, and consistently follow it, then 90 days is going to be awesome.  Many of us, myself included, get started all gangbusters and really go for it for some period of time, but then lose steam and end up achieving some of what we wanted, but not nearly what we hoped.  What I'm beginning to get hold of is that today is all I have, and I must do the best job with it that I can.  Then, when tomorrow turns into its own "today," I must make the best of that "today" as well.  And so on and so on.  If I can string together the better part of 90 excellent days, how much more might I accomplish as compared to two gangbuster weeks and a cloud of dust?  :-)

So that's what I'm getting at here, and what I'm shooting for.  I hope that something I say or do or mention here will be encouraging and inspirational to someone lurking out there in cyberspace.  I hope it will be just the little extra push you need to get out of your present state and make a bigger, better, more wonderful life for yourself in some way.  Best wishes on the journey!

Jim B.

Oh, PS, I forgot to mention my workout.  Since I can't yet to Plyometrics, I did Ab Ripper and an hour on the Stairmaster.  It felt great!  I'm looking forward to doing Plyo again, but until I can, I am very grateful that I can do the stairs - it's a great cardio workout, especially if you do intervals.  Okay then, JB out!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Fresh start, P90X style!

Well, long time no post.  That's all about to change.  I started a new round of P90X today with Chest and Back.  I first started P90X Classic on November 29th of 2008, and it turned out to be 90 days that changed my life.  Since my surgery back in July, I've had a lot of trouble with pain and limitations on what I could do, etc.  This led to some disappointed feelings that I let get the best of me in some ways.  When I saw that the 29th was coming up and it was a Monday, it seemed like the perfect time to fire up a new round.

Added to this, I'll be doing the same 90 days of intensity in my spiritual life and my personal development/business life.  I can't wait to see the results in all three areas!!

So that's it for today.  Worked hard enough to get "the shakes", so that's good, heh heh...

I still can't do some of the workouts, such as Plyo, which would normally be tomorrow's routine.  I'll be beating the crud out of my abs, then doing some intense interval work on the stairmaster.  It WILL be a good workout, I promise.

Eating was clean today, including a fabulous Chocolate Shakeology!  We're on our way!!

Peace to all!  Jimbo