Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Fast Food Self Pity Shakeology Experiment

Hey folks.

I mentioned Monday that I had done a little food experiment.  The "experiment" was partly hedonistic and partly business, with a sprinkle of self-pity thrown in.

What I did was this: I was feeling very down about the lack of improvement in my heel (still can't walk right) and about the gi-normous gut that has returned due to my lack of proper activity. So some of this thing was a self-pity, comfort food, "just give it up" kind of thing. But then I decided to jump in and do a "best you can do" round of P90X, and that got me to feeling better. Then I had another in a series of "discussions" about how "expensive" Shakeology is, with a person that I know eats out almost every day.

So what I did was each day last week, I made a return visit to one of my several old "haunts" (i.e., fast food places) where I was a regular customer before I first started P90X, back a couple of years ago. I didn't go overboard or too disgusting, but I did order some of my old comfort foods.

The result was 1) I felt like DooDooKaKa pretty much every day, I've been bloated like a balloon, and I gained an extra couple of pounds to add to the 15 I already gained while on the crutches. Thankfully, although still unacceptable, it is still 20 lbs shy of what I weighed when I first came to Beachbody; and 2) the average price of the "meals" that made me feel temporarily comforted, but overall miserable, was nearly $6., and none of them were "meal deals", cuz I left out stuff like fries, etc. Basically it was Chik-Fil-A sandwich and large drink, two Wendy's chilis and large drink, Arby's chicken poppers and large drink, three taco bell tacos and large drink, and a Subway club with large drink. That was my five days, and only one "meal" a day.

The cost of Shakeology at full price is only $4 a meal, so right off the bat I'm saving at least $2. a day. And I KNOW I feel better with the Shakes. I am anxious to see what my weight looks like on Saturday. I purposely did this experiment during my first week of X, so that the only change would be dietary (that is, this week's weight loss would have nothing to do with exercise, which is the same this week and last week - so it has to be the nutrition).

So anyway, that was the first part of the experiment. Do I regret it? Heck yes!! LOL, not really - it was a good way to polish off the last remnants of the pity party and get back to work. I'm looking forward to the second half of the experiment: my Shakeology results this week, and then my gradual X results too!!

That's my story and I'm sticking to it!! Later friends. Jim

P90X Shoulders and Arms

Just popped in to say I got 40 minutes of lap swimming in last night, and tonight was P90X Shoulders and Arms, followed by Ab Ripper X.  After being off workouts for so long due to my foot surgery, these workouts are kicking my bootie again.  I am sore all over, but in a very good way!!

Folks, I encourage you to get up and move today - it doesn't have to be "extreme", but you simply have to get up and do something.  And if you are up to the challenge, I certainly invite you to do P90X with me.  Sign up on my website and you'll have me as a free Coach too!

And if you don't even know what P90X is, take a look at the video below:

Monday, September 27, 2010


Hey friends.  I've been missing from here for a couple of reasons.  For one, I have been advised by a consultant to combine my website and blog into one place.  But, being a techno-dunce to some degree, that is easier said than done.  Thus, until I can get it rolling, I'm going to continue posting here, then try to move content over "there", whenever and wherever that may be!

The second reason is that I allowed myself to get extremely bummed out about my surgery, which took me almost completely out of physical activity for eight weeks.  During that time I gained back about 17 lbs, seemingly all in my gut, which had so nicely shrunk down over the past 18 months!!  Oh woe is me!  Poor poor meeeeeeeee!!!  Wwaahhhhh!!  That's a pretty good illustration of how I was feeling during that time - it turned out to be harder than I thought it would be, or maybe I made it harder - I don't know.

There is an oldie-but-goodie psychological term called the "pleasure pain principle" that basically says that everything we do is done in an effort to avoid pain or to gain pleasure.  To a large degree, and probably for most people, that is true.  So for a lot of us, in order to get motivated to work out, the pain of NOT working out has to become greater than the "pleasure" of taking it easy, sitting on the couch, eating salty snacks, etc.  Or the perceived "pain" of the activity has to become less than the pain of how our fat gut looks.  In other words, when NOT taking action becomes painful enough, we will act - simple as that!

I reached that point last week.  The pain of watching my gut grow and losing my fitness that I had worked so hard for, that pain finally became so great that I could not ignore it any more.  And, the "easy road" of giving in to self-pity and comfort eating suddenly became the road to ruin for me.  These factors triggered the decision that I was sick of this and not going to take it anymore.  I DECIDED to jump into another round of P90X and get back in the game.  No, I can't do the program exactly right yet, because I still can't walk right, much less jump around doing Plyometrics.  But I can do a LOT of it, and I can swim to get my cardio work.  I just started Week 2 today and I'm beginning to feel better.  The "pain" of working out is becoming pleasureable again, and crappy eating is becoming painful again.  Such is the power of a decision.

So today, think of the word "motivation" as "motive for action".  What is your motive for action?  Are you sick of being unhealthy?  Are you tired of having no energy?  Do you like the way you look or kind of hate it?  I urge you to find your motive for action and get moving today, then more tomorrow, and more the next day.  And, I will help you any way I can, not because I am "better", but because I can totally relate to the struggles of "everyday people", and I have some ways to help!

Coming soon, a little food experiment I did during my last week of self-pity and my first week of X.

Peace all!  Jimbo