Tuesday, November 16, 2010

P90X, Legs and Back, Ab routine, recovery from injury!

Hey folks!!

Here's my workout accountability and a little lesson learned.

Busted out some P90X Legs and Back and a serious Ab workout tonight. Got shaky and even near "vomitous"! That's when you know you "brung it"!!

On a message board, someone asked me how my heel was doing, from my surgery back in late July.  Here is my reply to him:
"Ronnie, thanks for asking. I'm trying very hard not to be negative or say anything other than healing words. It hurts constantly, both to the touch and to try and walk. I can't take normal steps 90% of the time and I look like I have the "mummy shuffle" from the old scary movies. That's just the reality of where it is. I sometimes feel as though the surgery has disabled me. One year ago I did two marathons - today I can't jog, do jumping jacks, etc., much less Plyo, Insanity, Turbo Fire, etc.

But the reality is also this: I can swim and do the stairmaster, so I'm VERY grateful. I can control what passes my lips on the way to my stomach (which I haven't done a great job of since the surgery). That makes a huge difference. And most importantly, I can choose how I look at things and what I focus on. So I answered honestly to your question, but that is not the whole story. The truth is, I control "some" of the physical reality, but I control ALL of the mental reality. No matter what happens in this physical realm, I am going to be more than great!! Extra shout out to Katzy for coaching the coach with his impassioned speech to Laura and the rest of the team!!

So THERE!!! Kiss my butt, achilles tendon pain!!!"

So, that was my reply to my buddy.  Then tonight, watching the news, I saw a short piece on a guy I'm very familiar with already, and that sealed the deal.  If he can live large with his circumstances, virtually NOBODY else can really have any excuse.

Live large friends.  Overcome obstacles, especially self-imposed ones!  Make your lives extraordinary today and every day.

Peace, Love, and Blessings!  Jimbo

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