Friday, January 21, 2011

Workout Update

Workouts have been good and steady.  I am in the second week of Phase 2 for this round of P90X.  Due to some ongoing tenderness from my achillies surgery, I have had to substitute some other activities for my favorite workout, Plyometrics.  Tonight it was some good interval training on the Stairmaster.  Tomorrow is Back and Biceps, which I'm looking forward to!  Nutrition has been 95% clean for all of January!  I fully expect to meet my weight loss and body fat % goals for this month, then attack the February goals with a vengeance!!

I hope anybody coming through here or lurking will stop in and say hello, or better yet, join me in living a healthy and fit lifestyle.  It is worth the effort, I can promise you that.  Let me know how I can help you!

Take care!  Jim

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