Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Goals and Human Striving

Quote of the Day:

“A dream is your creative vision for your life in the future. You must break out of your current comfort zone and become comfortable with the unfamiliar and the unknown.”

Denis Waitley

So what are you dreaming about for yourself, my friends? Do you have an end picture of yourselves in mind? It is so important to have goals. Humans are striving beings by nature - other animals don't "strive" - it's not even in their makeup - but it is part of our DNA to move forward, to progress, to achieve. Obviously, contentment and self-acceptance are important too, but we are more alive when we are In The Game of life, moving towards a worthy and worthwhile goal, making ourselves and the world a little better place for our having been here. The reason many of us don't set goals is what Dr. Waitley hints at above - we get caught up in a comfort zone, where we are basically okay with where we are, even though there is a nagging feeling deep down inside that is calling us higher, better, greater. But to move outside of that comfort zone is scary, because it is unknown. The truth is, though, that the only way to break out of the comfort zone is to believe that there is something greater out there, beyond our protective shell, and to step out into the great abyss of the unknown. I encourage you all to set some goals that push you beyond your comfort zone today, and the next day, and the next day. Dare to be more and better, and take that out into the world with you. Because the world desperately needs courageous people who can draw a line in the sand of their lives and say "That's IT!! I am more than I have been showing!"


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