Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A place to start

Hi everyone!  Welcome to my fitness and healthy lifestyle blog.  I have been hesitating to post, waiting until the site was fully developed, until I had EXACTLY the right thing to say, until everything was perfect.  Well, one can wait forever in that case, because perfect ain't comin'!!!  Today, I watched a little video trailer and I suddenly realized I had a starting point.  I'll post the video below.  My friends, I'll post more of my personal story and what my vision is for this blog as time goes by.  For now, let me just say that I am Fitness Coach for Team Beachbody (makers of P90X, Insanity, Shakeology, and other groundbreaking health products), and that I am starting to get obsessed with the idea that maybe, just maybe, there is still time to reverse this awful trend of obesity, poor nutrition, and weight-related diseases is our country, by getting people out of their chairs, exercising, and eating right.  This blog will undoubtedly evolve, constantly knocking me out of my "comfort zone", and that's a good thing.  I hope it will be helpful and entertaining to you at the same time!!  Sincerely, Jim Blue, Independent Team Beachbody Coach.

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