Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Goal Setting

Hello peoples!  I was going to kind of "tell my story" today, but I decided that since today is the first day of the month, I would sit down and write out some goals for the next 30 days.  This is actually part of a much bigger process for me, involving a 5-Year Plan, designing my ideal life ahead of time, the Law of Attraction, and all that good stuff.  But even though I have all these large goals for between now and 2015, I really have to begin right where I am.

I typically set my goals in six areas: spiritual, psychological (which includes emotional health, intellectual stimulation, growing in wisdom, etc), physical, social/relational, vocational, and recreational.  I won't go into too much detail, but some of mine include reading the bible (Gospel of John for September), finishing three personal development books, swimming at least four days a week (had recent foot surgery, so can't do regular workouts) along with upper body strength and ab training, some business goals, marriage goals, home projects, etc.

Some people don't really believe in goal setting, or if they do, they still don't actually engage in it.  But to me, not setting goals is saying to myself, "I don't really care where I end up, I'm just going with the flow."  For me, "the flow" very likely won't take me where I want to go!!  So I set goals.  And I set a lot of BIG goals too.  I figure that even if I don't quite reach them all, I will almost certainly achieve a ton more than I would if I had not set the goals.

Do you set goals?  What are some of them?  Can you name your top desires?  Do you have them written down?  How often do you look at them?  I encourage you, friendly reader, to think ahead about what you want in life, maybe a few years into the future, WRITE IT DOWN, and then work backwards from there, setting smaller goals that will act as stepping stones to get you there.  Then start moving!  I also invite your comments about goals and goal setting here, and would be glad to discuss it further!

Blessings to you!  Jim B.

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