Friday, October 29, 2010


Well, consistency is a good title for this post, because I have not BEEN consistent lately!  To be fair, I have a lot of irons in the fire, with a full time career, a second business that I consider my "freedom job", and a couple of other things in the works.  Trouble is, without consistency, it is hard to get any traction in any pursuit, be it a blog, a business, or improving your fitness and health.

So, consistency is my theme for the day, and I intend to carry through every aspect of what I'm doing.  In terms of fitness and health, that means sticking to my P90X schedule closely, along with getting back to the basics of nutrition.

I just had a birthday too, so it just seems like a good jumping off place!  Today is a cardio day, and tomorrow will be Legs and Back.  I am still modifying due to my heel surgery, but I will be burning some calories, I guarantee it!!  Shakeology will be a big player here too.  After my birthday get together tomorrow, I will be starting up a three day jump start cleanse, and after that, will use the Shake as 1-2 of my daily meals.  I'll be adding extra protein to fuel the resistance days, and will be working to make my diet as close to a pure "Primal" or Paleo as possible.  Sugar will be saying goodbye, as it is THE main culprit in weight management problems!

Daily consistent actions - that's where I'm heading.  I'll keep you posted - consistently!! Hope you'll join in the fun.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the info: I thought i could do something like that but i'm never sure how write protected these things are. we'll talk.
    P90x Fitness Program
