Friday, October 15, 2010

Taking Action Now

Howdy world!

Feeling good today. 'Bout to get me some work done, big time.  I learned some more things about setting goals and getting what we want.  Nothing particularly new, but you know how you can read/hear the same thing over and over and suddenly it speaks to you in a new way?  Well that's kind of what happened.  Basically it had to do with the idea that no matter what you want "out there", it has to start with ACTION, "right here" and "right now".  So while I need to have a picture in my head of what I want to have or to become, having the picture isn't enough.  I have to take action NOW, doing first things first, doing my best with them, and allowing the rest to unfold.  The unfolding results from the doing.

So, that's what I'm doing.  I'm listing out some things to do today, and I'm going to start knocking them out, one by one.  And of course, I am bringing this up here on the blog because it applies to fitness too. For instance, I can picture myself with ripped abs, and I do NEED to do that, but until I take actions in that direction, I will never reach it.  Rather, I have to make choices several times each day, then take action several times each day, and gradually the "picture" will "develop".  So I can now visualize myself getting back into top shape after my surgery, and I'll hold that picture in my mind.  But then I have to make choices and act in the here and now to make that happen.  When I open up the fridge, I need to pull out an apple or some water.  For lunch I've gotta bypass the urge for a taco, and have my Shakeology.  When I hit the gym later today, I have to keep the picture in my mind, then work with some intensity.  And I can't give a half-baked effort and do just a couple of situps - I gotta WORK THAT CORE!!

Where are you with your fitness?  Where do you want to be?  What do you want to look like?  If you haven't thought about those things, you might want to.  Otherwise, your default mechanism will kick in and take you nowhere.  Once you have that information, put the picture in your mind and hold it there.  And then ask yourself this question:  Is what I am doing right now going to help me get there?  If the answer is no, determine today that you are going to make at least one new choice and take one new action every day, to begin moving yourself in the right direction.  Do this and you'll be VERY glad you did.  It won't happen overnight, but stay the course and it WILL HAPPEN!

Peace to you!  Jim

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