Monday, October 4, 2010

Fitness, Health, and New Beginnings

I just got back from attending a wedding this past weekend.  A good friend of mine lost her husband back about 6.5 years ago, and got remarried.  It was kind of weird in some ways, because part of me was hanging onto the old image of my friend being part of a couple with my other friend (the one who died), and I had to wrap my head around this change.  My buddy died a long time ago, and my living friend suffered a lot from it.  And she had to move on with her life, and she grew, and she changed, and now she has ended up in a wonderful new place, with a wonderful new life awaiting her.  If she had stayed stuck in the past and had not changed and reached forward, well then, two people would have died, and not just the one.  She chose to reach for something new and let go of what "was".

There are all kinds of lessons to be learned from this, but since this is at least partly a fitness blog, I'll relate it to that.  A lot of us have a lousy level of fitness because we are stuck in old ways of seeing ourselves, in old eating and activity habits, and in the old ways of talking to ourselves.  Sometimes, in order to break through to a new way of being, we have to let go of the past stuff that's holding us back, and we've got to reach forward to something new.  If you have been stuck in your health and physical fitness and stuck in a body that you are unhappy with, stuck with bloodwork that points towards an early exit from life, stuck with low energy and lousy stamina, I urge you to reach forward today and grab onto the possibility that it CAN CHANGE.  Grab onto that idea, and grab onto the hand of someone like me who is ready, willing, and able to help you make that change, and start moving your life in a new direction.  I did it, and so can YOU.

In fact, you oughta join me now!  As a result of my recent surgery and inactivity and "comfort" eating, I gained back a chunk of the weight that I had lost.  I started feeling sorry for myself and let some "old ways" sneak back in.  But after what I experienced and learned this weekend, I'm ready to start reaching forward again.  The "old me" grabbed my ankle and tried to pull me backwards, but that ain't happening!!  Today is a new beginning!  A friend of mine mentioned that if one starts a round of P90X now, the finish date will be right around New Year's Day, so if we take action now, there won't be any need to set a weight loss or fitness "resolution" - it will already be underway, if not done!!  I'm on board - won't you join me?

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