Thursday, December 9, 2010

P90X Shoulders and Arms

Peoples of the Blogosphere!!!

Greetings from the Town of the Cow, lovely little Fort Worth, Texas, USA!!

Well, things did not go exactly according to plan today, but more got accomplished than occurred in the past few days. Feel as though I really am coming out of some funk, so that can only be good!!

Just finished up with P90X Shoulders and Arms - not spectacular, but a very steady, workmanlike effort, and I got 'er dun!!!!

I do abs on cardio days now, so I'll catch that tomorrow with the Stairmaster. Also have another little Physical Therapy session in the AM (for my achilles). Other than bloating me up like a balloon (okay, not quite that bad, but close!), the steroids didn't do much lasting good, so the PT is going to have to do the trick. I think it will. They do a routine of heating it up, ultrasounding it, massaging it, then stretching it like a big dog. It's all good up to the stretching part - that's when it be hurtin' me!!

Okay then, so that's about it from this end.  If there is anything I can do to help you get rolling with your workouts, get started, improve, motivate, encourage, etc., please don't hesitate to give me a shout out!  I'm having to practically start from scratch again, so maybe we're in the same boat!!  I know what it's like to be in TERRIBLE shape and turn that completely around, and now I know what it's like to have a disappointing setback and have to have a do-over!  So let me help if I can!

Okay then, peace out people, and peace IN too!! Jim B.

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