Thursday, December 9, 2010

P90X Shoulders and Arms

Peoples of the Blogosphere!!!

Greetings from the Town of the Cow, lovely little Fort Worth, Texas, USA!!

Well, things did not go exactly according to plan today, but more got accomplished than occurred in the past few days. Feel as though I really am coming out of some funk, so that can only be good!!

Just finished up with P90X Shoulders and Arms - not spectacular, but a very steady, workmanlike effort, and I got 'er dun!!!!

I do abs on cardio days now, so I'll catch that tomorrow with the Stairmaster. Also have another little Physical Therapy session in the AM (for my achilles). Other than bloating me up like a balloon (okay, not quite that bad, but close!), the steroids didn't do much lasting good, so the PT is going to have to do the trick. I think it will. They do a routine of heating it up, ultrasounding it, massaging it, then stretching it like a big dog. It's all good up to the stretching part - that's when it be hurtin' me!!

Okay then, so that's about it from this end.  If there is anything I can do to help you get rolling with your workouts, get started, improve, motivate, encourage, etc., please don't hesitate to give me a shout out!  I'm having to practically start from scratch again, so maybe we're in the same boat!!  I know what it's like to be in TERRIBLE shape and turn that completely around, and now I know what it's like to have a disappointing setback and have to have a do-over!  So let me help if I can!

Okay then, peace out people, and peace IN too!! Jim B.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Cardio Burn

Accountability for my workout: Did an hour on the Stairmaster for a cool 800 calorie wipeout!  Had a physical therapy session before the workout and I'm hopeful that I'll eventually get back to tougher cardio workouts like Plyometrics and Core Synergistics and such.  But I'm grateful for what I CAN do right now.  P90X Shoulders and Arms and Ab Ripper X are on tap for tomorrow!

What I've got is a relatively mild situation with my surgery, because there are people out there who have a lot worse problems.  I'm amazed at what people can do if they put their mind to it.  How about you, friend?  Maybe you have a hardship or maybe you don't.  Maybe there is a physical problem or perhaps just some mental blocks.  Maybe you don't know where or how to start.  Ultimately the decisions will be made by you, but if you are struggling, I encourage you to get started somehow, some way.  I will be glad to help you in any way I can, so don't hesitate to ask.

That's about it for tonight.  I'm eventually going to get some articles, videos, and such on here, so I hope you'll hang with me, participate a little or a lot, and keep coming back to look for new stuff.

Until then, peace and blessings to ya!  Jim B.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

P90X, New Round, Week 1

Hello blogosphere!

Just wanted to pop in here and report accountability.  Knocked out the first week of my new round of X, and did a fairly good job with all the workouts.  Nutrition was good in some places, not so good in others.  Ready for some knuckle down buckle down this week, and really the rest of the month.  I have a goal to reach by December 31, and I am determined to meet it!!  What is the goal, you might ask?  I intend to weigh 205 lbs on New Year's Eve (weight today was 225).  I know that seems like a lot, but it has not been unusual for me to lose weight in a hurry.  I will be eating good food, hydrating well, getting vitamins, etc., but I will also be BRINGING IT in my workouts.  Let's see what happens!

If there is any way I can help you with workouts, either by actual instruction/advice or by encouragement, support, and motivation, please feel free to contact me!  Let's make something happen for you!!

Peace and blessings!  Jim B.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Lifestyle Changes

Hello blogosphere!

Well, as I might have mentioned, I have made a new start with P90X, and have decided to operate my spiritual life and personal development/business life with the same intensity that I bring to my workouts.  90 days to excellent in all three areas - very much looking forward to what will happen.

The thing I have to remember is that even though I set goals and look forward to them, I still have to live in the present moment.  In visible reality, there is only today, so I have to take consistent, steady action today, and do all that I can to make today excellent.  If I keep that in the forefront of my mind, and consistently follow it, then 90 days is going to be awesome.  Many of us, myself included, get started all gangbusters and really go for it for some period of time, but then lose steam and end up achieving some of what we wanted, but not nearly what we hoped.  What I'm beginning to get hold of is that today is all I have, and I must do the best job with it that I can.  Then, when tomorrow turns into its own "today," I must make the best of that "today" as well.  And so on and so on.  If I can string together the better part of 90 excellent days, how much more might I accomplish as compared to two gangbuster weeks and a cloud of dust?  :-)

So that's what I'm getting at here, and what I'm shooting for.  I hope that something I say or do or mention here will be encouraging and inspirational to someone lurking out there in cyberspace.  I hope it will be just the little extra push you need to get out of your present state and make a bigger, better, more wonderful life for yourself in some way.  Best wishes on the journey!

Jim B.

Oh, PS, I forgot to mention my workout.  Since I can't yet to Plyometrics, I did Ab Ripper and an hour on the Stairmaster.  It felt great!  I'm looking forward to doing Plyo again, but until I can, I am very grateful that I can do the stairs - it's a great cardio workout, especially if you do intervals.  Okay then, JB out!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Fresh start, P90X style!

Well, long time no post.  That's all about to change.  I started a new round of P90X today with Chest and Back.  I first started P90X Classic on November 29th of 2008, and it turned out to be 90 days that changed my life.  Since my surgery back in July, I've had a lot of trouble with pain and limitations on what I could do, etc.  This led to some disappointed feelings that I let get the best of me in some ways.  When I saw that the 29th was coming up and it was a Monday, it seemed like the perfect time to fire up a new round.

Added to this, I'll be doing the same 90 days of intensity in my spiritual life and my personal development/business life.  I can't wait to see the results in all three areas!!

So that's it for today.  Worked hard enough to get "the shakes", so that's good, heh heh...

I still can't do some of the workouts, such as Plyo, which would normally be tomorrow's routine.  I'll be beating the crud out of my abs, then doing some intense interval work on the stairmaster.  It WILL be a good workout, I promise.

Eating was clean today, including a fabulous Chocolate Shakeology!  We're on our way!!

Peace to all!  Jimbo

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

P90X, Legs and Back, Ab routine, recovery from injury!

Hey folks!!

Here's my workout accountability and a little lesson learned.

Busted out some P90X Legs and Back and a serious Ab workout tonight. Got shaky and even near "vomitous"! That's when you know you "brung it"!!

On a message board, someone asked me how my heel was doing, from my surgery back in late July.  Here is my reply to him:
"Ronnie, thanks for asking. I'm trying very hard not to be negative or say anything other than healing words. It hurts constantly, both to the touch and to try and walk. I can't take normal steps 90% of the time and I look like I have the "mummy shuffle" from the old scary movies. That's just the reality of where it is. I sometimes feel as though the surgery has disabled me. One year ago I did two marathons - today I can't jog, do jumping jacks, etc., much less Plyo, Insanity, Turbo Fire, etc.

But the reality is also this: I can swim and do the stairmaster, so I'm VERY grateful. I can control what passes my lips on the way to my stomach (which I haven't done a great job of since the surgery). That makes a huge difference. And most importantly, I can choose how I look at things and what I focus on. So I answered honestly to your question, but that is not the whole story. The truth is, I control "some" of the physical reality, but I control ALL of the mental reality. No matter what happens in this physical realm, I am going to be more than great!! Extra shout out to Katzy for coaching the coach with his impassioned speech to Laura and the rest of the team!!

So THERE!!! Kiss my butt, achilles tendon pain!!!"

So, that was my reply to my buddy.  Then tonight, watching the news, I saw a short piece on a guy I'm very familiar with already, and that sealed the deal.  If he can live large with his circumstances, virtually NOBODY else can really have any excuse.

Live large friends.  Overcome obstacles, especially self-imposed ones!  Make your lives extraordinary today and every day.

Peace, Love, and Blessings!  Jimbo

Thursday, November 11, 2010

P90X Shoulders and Arms

Knocked out some P90X Shoulders and Arms, with a side of A$$ Whipper X (Ab Ripper X).  It was good.  I was inspired by a video, cuz I didn't feel like working out.  No excuses after this though:

Time Management

This isn't really about time management.  I was just amazed that right after posting about consistency, I have been gone 10 days!  That made me think "time flies" and that led to my thinking that I need to manage that better.

Kicked out a 62 minute stair climb workout yesterday, feeling the need for some cardio.  830 calories bit the dust!  P90X Shoulders and Arms tonight, one of my all time faves!  I'll post after that.

The winds of change are blowing around here, and I'm feeling it's going to be something good coming!

Later, Jimbo

Monday, November 1, 2010

Calorie Busting Cardio

Hello Blog World!

Just a quick post to try and maintain consistency in everything I'm doing.

Another 800 calories bit the dust tonight in a 60-minute, medium-intensity Stairmaster cardio burn! Got about halfway through my audio-book, Think and Grow Rich. Good stuff, for sure.

Shakeology Cleanse Day One almost complete! Had my second Shake as a pre-workout drink. Had myself a delicious and healthy salad for dinner. Hunger pangs sucked today, but I kept reminding myself that it was mostly psychological, and only partly physical. Worked out fine. Looking forward to Thursday's results, and beyond!!

I just want to keep encouraging people to work on consistency in all that you do, and that includes your exercise and nutrition.  Get up and move, go for a walk, stick a DVD in like I usually do, then follow it!  Make wiser choices with snacks.  Cut out sugar as much as possible.  Try a drink like our Shakeology - one of the best things you could do for your overall health and nutrition.

Little mistakes here and there won't hurt you too badly, most likely.  But little mistakes, done consistently over time, could make a huge difference in how your life turns out.  Work on making better choices consistently.  Let me help if I can.

Hope everyone had a groovy day! Peace out, Jimbo

Sunday, October 31, 2010

P90X Legs and Back

Hi all!

Did my P90X Legs and Back workout, with a side of abs!!  Hope everyone got up and did something to move their bodies and move towards health and fitness today.  If you didn't, what the heck is holding you back?  You need to figure it out and get going.  You want to be here for the future, don't you?  Do you want to spend what could be your best middle years with aching joints, clogging arteries, and obesity, wheezing to walk up a flight of stairs and paying outrageous medical costs???!!!  Or do you want to feel alive, energetic, and fantastic, along with feeling better physically, emotionally, and even spiritually??

Look peeps, I'm a FREE fitness coach and about to be certified as personal trainer.  I will help you come up with a plan to get your fitness in gear!  Did I mention FREE??  No, it's not totally free - you have to invest a few bucks in a workout program and invest TIME and EFFORT into it, but I will certainly help you do that for free.  I do this because I know that if I help 100 people, at least 10 if those will be so psyched that they'll pay it forward and each help 100, and so on and so on.

But before we save the world, let's start with just you and me!!  Contact me at any of the listed numbers or addresses and let's get you rolling.  I'll help you get started and get through the rough spots.  You will succeed if you follow the plan.  Then I'll advise you to go forth and do the same for others.  Does that sound like something we can do??  Give me a buzz and let's do it!

Peace and blessings to you all.  Jimbo

Friday, October 29, 2010

Calorie burning!

Obliterated 1030 calories in a 75 minute Stairmaster effort tonight!  As some of you know, since my heel surgery, I can't do some of the prescribed P90X workouts (mainly Plyometrics and anything else requiring jumping).  So I do Kenpo X and add in some stair climbing to help make up for it.

Sunday starts my Shakeology cleanse!  I'll still eat as clean as possible tomorrow at my birthday get together, but I want to make a nice super clean re-start.  I'll keep y'all posted.  Like I mentioned before, regular consistent actions (starting with regular consistent decisions), even if small actions, will have a massive cumulative effect on your physical health and fitness, as well as on ANY endeavor to which you apply the principle!!

Take care, God bless, and see ya tomorrow!  Jim B.


Well, consistency is a good title for this post, because I have not BEEN consistent lately!  To be fair, I have a lot of irons in the fire, with a full time career, a second business that I consider my "freedom job", and a couple of other things in the works.  Trouble is, without consistency, it is hard to get any traction in any pursuit, be it a blog, a business, or improving your fitness and health.

So, consistency is my theme for the day, and I intend to carry through every aspect of what I'm doing.  In terms of fitness and health, that means sticking to my P90X schedule closely, along with getting back to the basics of nutrition.

I just had a birthday too, so it just seems like a good jumping off place!  Today is a cardio day, and tomorrow will be Legs and Back.  I am still modifying due to my heel surgery, but I will be burning some calories, I guarantee it!!  Shakeology will be a big player here too.  After my birthday get together tomorrow, I will be starting up a three day jump start cleanse, and after that, will use the Shake as 1-2 of my daily meals.  I'll be adding extra protein to fuel the resistance days, and will be working to make my diet as close to a pure "Primal" or Paleo as possible.  Sugar will be saying goodbye, as it is THE main culprit in weight management problems!

Daily consistent actions - that's where I'm heading.  I'll keep you posted - consistently!! Hope you'll join in the fun.


Friday, October 15, 2010

Taking Action Now

Howdy world!

Feeling good today. 'Bout to get me some work done, big time.  I learned some more things about setting goals and getting what we want.  Nothing particularly new, but you know how you can read/hear the same thing over and over and suddenly it speaks to you in a new way?  Well that's kind of what happened.  Basically it had to do with the idea that no matter what you want "out there", it has to start with ACTION, "right here" and "right now".  So while I need to have a picture in my head of what I want to have or to become, having the picture isn't enough.  I have to take action NOW, doing first things first, doing my best with them, and allowing the rest to unfold.  The unfolding results from the doing.

So, that's what I'm doing.  I'm listing out some things to do today, and I'm going to start knocking them out, one by one.  And of course, I am bringing this up here on the blog because it applies to fitness too. For instance, I can picture myself with ripped abs, and I do NEED to do that, but until I take actions in that direction, I will never reach it.  Rather, I have to make choices several times each day, then take action several times each day, and gradually the "picture" will "develop".  So I can now visualize myself getting back into top shape after my surgery, and I'll hold that picture in my mind.  But then I have to make choices and act in the here and now to make that happen.  When I open up the fridge, I need to pull out an apple or some water.  For lunch I've gotta bypass the urge for a taco, and have my Shakeology.  When I hit the gym later today, I have to keep the picture in my mind, then work with some intensity.  And I can't give a half-baked effort and do just a couple of situps - I gotta WORK THAT CORE!!

Where are you with your fitness?  Where do you want to be?  What do you want to look like?  If you haven't thought about those things, you might want to.  Otherwise, your default mechanism will kick in and take you nowhere.  Once you have that information, put the picture in your mind and hold it there.  And then ask yourself this question:  Is what I am doing right now going to help me get there?  If the answer is no, determine today that you are going to make at least one new choice and take one new action every day, to begin moving yourself in the right direction.  Do this and you'll be VERY glad you did.  It won't happen overnight, but stay the course and it WILL HAPPEN!

Peace to you!  Jim

Monday, October 4, 2010

Fitness, Health, and New Beginnings

I just got back from attending a wedding this past weekend.  A good friend of mine lost her husband back about 6.5 years ago, and got remarried.  It was kind of weird in some ways, because part of me was hanging onto the old image of my friend being part of a couple with my other friend (the one who died), and I had to wrap my head around this change.  My buddy died a long time ago, and my living friend suffered a lot from it.  And she had to move on with her life, and she grew, and she changed, and now she has ended up in a wonderful new place, with a wonderful new life awaiting her.  If she had stayed stuck in the past and had not changed and reached forward, well then, two people would have died, and not just the one.  She chose to reach for something new and let go of what "was".

There are all kinds of lessons to be learned from this, but since this is at least partly a fitness blog, I'll relate it to that.  A lot of us have a lousy level of fitness because we are stuck in old ways of seeing ourselves, in old eating and activity habits, and in the old ways of talking to ourselves.  Sometimes, in order to break through to a new way of being, we have to let go of the past stuff that's holding us back, and we've got to reach forward to something new.  If you have been stuck in your health and physical fitness and stuck in a body that you are unhappy with, stuck with bloodwork that points towards an early exit from life, stuck with low energy and lousy stamina, I urge you to reach forward today and grab onto the possibility that it CAN CHANGE.  Grab onto that idea, and grab onto the hand of someone like me who is ready, willing, and able to help you make that change, and start moving your life in a new direction.  I did it, and so can YOU.

In fact, you oughta join me now!  As a result of my recent surgery and inactivity and "comfort" eating, I gained back a chunk of the weight that I had lost.  I started feeling sorry for myself and let some "old ways" sneak back in.  But after what I experienced and learned this weekend, I'm ready to start reaching forward again.  The "old me" grabbed my ankle and tried to pull me backwards, but that ain't happening!!  Today is a new beginning!  A friend of mine mentioned that if one starts a round of P90X now, the finish date will be right around New Year's Day, so if we take action now, there won't be any need to set a weight loss or fitness "resolution" - it will already be underway, if not done!!  I'm on board - won't you join me?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Fast Food Self Pity Shakeology Experiment

Hey folks.

I mentioned Monday that I had done a little food experiment.  The "experiment" was partly hedonistic and partly business, with a sprinkle of self-pity thrown in.

What I did was this: I was feeling very down about the lack of improvement in my heel (still can't walk right) and about the gi-normous gut that has returned due to my lack of proper activity. So some of this thing was a self-pity, comfort food, "just give it up" kind of thing. But then I decided to jump in and do a "best you can do" round of P90X, and that got me to feeling better. Then I had another in a series of "discussions" about how "expensive" Shakeology is, with a person that I know eats out almost every day.

So what I did was each day last week, I made a return visit to one of my several old "haunts" (i.e., fast food places) where I was a regular customer before I first started P90X, back a couple of years ago. I didn't go overboard or too disgusting, but I did order some of my old comfort foods.

The result was 1) I felt like DooDooKaKa pretty much every day, I've been bloated like a balloon, and I gained an extra couple of pounds to add to the 15 I already gained while on the crutches. Thankfully, although still unacceptable, it is still 20 lbs shy of what I weighed when I first came to Beachbody; and 2) the average price of the "meals" that made me feel temporarily comforted, but overall miserable, was nearly $6., and none of them were "meal deals", cuz I left out stuff like fries, etc. Basically it was Chik-Fil-A sandwich and large drink, two Wendy's chilis and large drink, Arby's chicken poppers and large drink, three taco bell tacos and large drink, and a Subway club with large drink. That was my five days, and only one "meal" a day.

The cost of Shakeology at full price is only $4 a meal, so right off the bat I'm saving at least $2. a day. And I KNOW I feel better with the Shakes. I am anxious to see what my weight looks like on Saturday. I purposely did this experiment during my first week of X, so that the only change would be dietary (that is, this week's weight loss would have nothing to do with exercise, which is the same this week and last week - so it has to be the nutrition).

So anyway, that was the first part of the experiment. Do I regret it? Heck yes!! LOL, not really - it was a good way to polish off the last remnants of the pity party and get back to work. I'm looking forward to the second half of the experiment: my Shakeology results this week, and then my gradual X results too!!

That's my story and I'm sticking to it!! Later friends. Jim

P90X Shoulders and Arms

Just popped in to say I got 40 minutes of lap swimming in last night, and tonight was P90X Shoulders and Arms, followed by Ab Ripper X.  After being off workouts for so long due to my foot surgery, these workouts are kicking my bootie again.  I am sore all over, but in a very good way!!

Folks, I encourage you to get up and move today - it doesn't have to be "extreme", but you simply have to get up and do something.  And if you are up to the challenge, I certainly invite you to do P90X with me.  Sign up on my website and you'll have me as a free Coach too!

And if you don't even know what P90X is, take a look at the video below:

Monday, September 27, 2010


Hey friends.  I've been missing from here for a couple of reasons.  For one, I have been advised by a consultant to combine my website and blog into one place.  But, being a techno-dunce to some degree, that is easier said than done.  Thus, until I can get it rolling, I'm going to continue posting here, then try to move content over "there", whenever and wherever that may be!

The second reason is that I allowed myself to get extremely bummed out about my surgery, which took me almost completely out of physical activity for eight weeks.  During that time I gained back about 17 lbs, seemingly all in my gut, which had so nicely shrunk down over the past 18 months!!  Oh woe is me!  Poor poor meeeeeeeee!!!  Wwaahhhhh!!  That's a pretty good illustration of how I was feeling during that time - it turned out to be harder than I thought it would be, or maybe I made it harder - I don't know.

There is an oldie-but-goodie psychological term called the "pleasure pain principle" that basically says that everything we do is done in an effort to avoid pain or to gain pleasure.  To a large degree, and probably for most people, that is true.  So for a lot of us, in order to get motivated to work out, the pain of NOT working out has to become greater than the "pleasure" of taking it easy, sitting on the couch, eating salty snacks, etc.  Or the perceived "pain" of the activity has to become less than the pain of how our fat gut looks.  In other words, when NOT taking action becomes painful enough, we will act - simple as that!

I reached that point last week.  The pain of watching my gut grow and losing my fitness that I had worked so hard for, that pain finally became so great that I could not ignore it any more.  And, the "easy road" of giving in to self-pity and comfort eating suddenly became the road to ruin for me.  These factors triggered the decision that I was sick of this and not going to take it anymore.  I DECIDED to jump into another round of P90X and get back in the game.  No, I can't do the program exactly right yet, because I still can't walk right, much less jump around doing Plyometrics.  But I can do a LOT of it, and I can swim to get my cardio work.  I just started Week 2 today and I'm beginning to feel better.  The "pain" of working out is becoming pleasureable again, and crappy eating is becoming painful again.  Such is the power of a decision.

So today, think of the word "motivation" as "motive for action".  What is your motive for action?  Are you sick of being unhealthy?  Are you tired of having no energy?  Do you like the way you look or kind of hate it?  I urge you to find your motive for action and get moving today, then more tomorrow, and more the next day.  And, I will help you any way I can, not because I am "better", but because I can totally relate to the struggles of "everyday people", and I have some ways to help!

Coming soon, a little food experiment I did during my last week of self-pity and my first week of X.

Peace all!  Jimbo

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Hi folks.  I kind of took off for the Labor Day Weekend, but today, I was re-awakened to "real life" and reminded that I'm not here to just wander through life, drifting along on a current.  No!  I am here to live out a purpose, and whether or not I am always totally clear on what that purpose is, specifically, I do know that whatever it is, it must be to the service of other people around me.  In my case, it has been my first career, in the restaurant business for 18 years, followed by my psychology practice for another 12 years after grad school.  Now it is taking shape as a fitness coach and personal trainer, to help people with their physical health and well-being, not to mention offering them a way out of the rat-race and into a new way of living, with health and the possibility of financial freedom.  Below, check out this short video of Craig Holiday - a man of passion that has joined our company in the fight against obesity, and who has ignited the hearts and souls of all of us fortunate enough to be Beachbody Coaches.  If it tugs at your soul too - awakening that person inside you that KNOWS you were built for something more than you are currently showing - then please give me a call and let me help you to join our team.  Peace and blessings to ya!  Jim

Friday, September 3, 2010


Hi folks.  I absolutely promise you that I will be writing more and more about fitness and nutrition.  However, there are things that are way more important in the long run, and they totally relate to fitness and health programs, because they have everything to do with COMMITTING to things like exercise and eating plans.

I had sort of an epiphany today.  May not seem like much to most people, but it's big for me right now, at this time in my life.  I suddenly realized I am a "crammer."  In school, I "crammed" for tests.  In my piano lessons I "crammed" three hours of practice into the day before my lesson.  If I missed a workout I've been known to do a double or triple workout, or do something for four hours.  If I eat poorly, I might fast the next day.  If I did poorly in a semester of school, I'd sign up for 21 hours the next semester.  Does any of this sound like a good idea to you??  Right!!  It does not work!!!!  I have been told the correct thing to do for 30 years, but never really followed it.  I'm not 100% sure I'll follow it now, because it only just struck me as INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT!!!  My poor piano teacher, God rest his poor depressed soul, told me that even FIVE minutes a day would be better than five HOURS the day before my lesson.  How can that possibly be???  You have to make up for all that lost time, don't you???

Well, the answer, much to my very sad realization, is NO!  You cannot make up all of that lost daily consistent time by cramming it all into one big session.  You might "score" in the short term with a good grade on a test or one good performance at a piano recital, but in the long run, you would be WAY better off by taking what I now call the "Slow-Fast" approach.  Seemingly insignificant, consistent, daily actions are way way way more valuable to improving your life than short, massive bursts of effort.  I implore you to look at the previous posts here and take them to heart.  You have to set goals, and you have to make daily choices that support those goals.  And most importantly, you simply MUST take consistent daily actions towards those goals, whether they be health and fitness related, financial planning, career, personal development, educational, etc.

Please, if you are a "crammer" like I have been, I beg you to work on taking a different approach to life.  Instead of trying to "make up for lost time" by cramming in crazy, unrealistic activity plans, simply start where you are right now, set very small DAILY consistent and achieveable goals and plug away.  In the long run, like the tortoise and the hare, you will win the day.  Today is a day of epiphany for me!!  I'll keep you posted about how well I use this new awareness!!!

Peace and Joy and Slllllooooooowwwwwww consistent blessings to you my friends!!  Jim

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Good day friends!  Hope everyone has had a spectacular day!  Yesterday I talked a little bit about setting goals.  Why is that important to physical fitness, health, and lifestyle creation?  Well, basically, in many ways, a person without goals is like a boat without a rudder or paddle.  Without those key elements, the vessel goes where the wind or current takes it.  Same with people.  Now, some people have just been so perfectly trained by their perfect parents that they breeze through life on autopilot, almost unconsciously making perfect decisions, leading to a perfect life.  However, for the other 99.9% of folks, some direction is useful.  Hence, setting goals as the basis for our fitness plan, our health plan, our financial plan, etc.

Today I want to say something about choices.  This piggy-backs very well with goal-setting, because it has to do with the day to day implementation of our goals.  For instance, say it's the first day of the month.  You just set some great goals last night and today you're ready and raring to go.  Today you're going to eat healthy and exercise.  You head out to the kitchen and look in the fridge for something "good" to eat.  Your plan calls for some nice egg whites, perhaps, but there on the top shelf you see some leftover cheesecake from your restaurant visit Saturday night.  Decision time!!!  Then around lunchtime, you're on the road and short on time.  Maybe you've got some carrots in a baggie, but you're really hungry and there's a Chick-Fil-A right there, and come on, it's only one chicken sandwich, and you'll get the grilled one.  But the sandwich is one price, and the "meal" is only a buck more.  Wouldn't that be more financially responsible??  So there you are chowing down cole slaw and a soft drink, after that fine cheesecake breakfast, and BAM, the day is "ruined"!!

Okay, that's overly dramatic, but the point is that no matter how lofty our goals are and how grand our intentions may be, they are given wings only by the actions we take in pursuing them.  And this is the KEY POINT - every single action is the result of a relatively simple choice made immediately before it: "do this or do not do this."  To a large degree, humans cruise through their days on autopilot, with much of our activity driven by past programming, muscle memory - in short, habits.  If we want to achieve those great goals that we set for our health, fitness, finances, etc., we have to make the choices that take us in the right direction.  It's easy to do and easy to NOT do!!  I encourage you to examine the choices you are making each day, to determine whether they are taking you towards your desires.

Here's a great resource that you need to get your hands on, read, re-read, and utilize:  "The Slight Edge", by Jeff Olson.  In this great little book, the author goes into detail about the subject I've touched upon here today.  Pick up a copy and get your life going in the direction of YOUR CHOOSING today!  Peace to you, friendly reader!!  Jim

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Goal Setting

Hello peoples!  I was going to kind of "tell my story" today, but I decided that since today is the first day of the month, I would sit down and write out some goals for the next 30 days.  This is actually part of a much bigger process for me, involving a 5-Year Plan, designing my ideal life ahead of time, the Law of Attraction, and all that good stuff.  But even though I have all these large goals for between now and 2015, I really have to begin right where I am.

I typically set my goals in six areas: spiritual, psychological (which includes emotional health, intellectual stimulation, growing in wisdom, etc), physical, social/relational, vocational, and recreational.  I won't go into too much detail, but some of mine include reading the bible (Gospel of John for September), finishing three personal development books, swimming at least four days a week (had recent foot surgery, so can't do regular workouts) along with upper body strength and ab training, some business goals, marriage goals, home projects, etc.

Some people don't really believe in goal setting, or if they do, they still don't actually engage in it.  But to me, not setting goals is saying to myself, "I don't really care where I end up, I'm just going with the flow."  For me, "the flow" very likely won't take me where I want to go!!  So I set goals.  And I set a lot of BIG goals too.  I figure that even if I don't quite reach them all, I will almost certainly achieve a ton more than I would if I had not set the goals.

Do you set goals?  What are some of them?  Can you name your top desires?  Do you have them written down?  How often do you look at them?  I encourage you, friendly reader, to think ahead about what you want in life, maybe a few years into the future, WRITE IT DOWN, and then work backwards from there, setting smaller goals that will act as stepping stones to get you there.  Then start moving!  I also invite your comments about goals and goal setting here, and would be glad to discuss it further!

Blessings to you!  Jim B.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A place to start

Hi everyone!  Welcome to my fitness and healthy lifestyle blog.  I have been hesitating to post, waiting until the site was fully developed, until I had EXACTLY the right thing to say, until everything was perfect.  Well, one can wait forever in that case, because perfect ain't comin'!!!  Today, I watched a little video trailer and I suddenly realized I had a starting point.  I'll post the video below.  My friends, I'll post more of my personal story and what my vision is for this blog as time goes by.  For now, let me just say that I am Fitness Coach for Team Beachbody (makers of P90X, Insanity, Shakeology, and other groundbreaking health products), and that I am starting to get obsessed with the idea that maybe, just maybe, there is still time to reverse this awful trend of obesity, poor nutrition, and weight-related diseases is our country, by getting people out of their chairs, exercising, and eating right.  This blog will undoubtedly evolve, constantly knocking me out of my "comfort zone", and that's a good thing.  I hope it will be helpful and entertaining to you at the same time!!  Sincerely, Jim Blue, Independent Team Beachbody Coach.